The ‘WOW’ session: 101

So how do you approach your first session on the gym floor with your prospect, to seal the deal after your consult?

You put in so much work on your marketing and your sales pipeline. Now those clients are finally reaching out and booking their first session. 

This is your chance to make an incredible first impression and turn a prospect into a client, so let’s take a look at how to blow them away. 

If you’re coaching online, you’ll skip this step, so take a look at our next blog on what you need to do so you can close the deal completely. 

The ‘WOW’ session

In today's climate, gym members expect to be trained by their trainer before they buy. 

If you’re well-experienced and are closing at around 90% or higher, you might decide to opt out of the training / WOW session and move straight to the sale. You can also choose to do this if the prospect has already reached out to you directly and specifically asked to work with you. 

When you’re still getting established however, this session can make a big difference.

A good WOW session is exactly that: A session that wows the client. 

It’s not a physio appointment with lots of massage and stretching or a group class whiteboard workout. Instead, it’s a session that you’ve designed specifically for your ideal client and a process you will have repeated dozens of times with prospects. 

When you follow a format for your WOW session, you will begin to identify the small things that impact the outcome. You’ll catch yourself making mistakes, learn to quickly figure out which instructions the client responds best to, know when to push harder, and when to take a step back. 

Here are some Do’s and Don’t to create your framework.


Have 2-3 different pre-planned sessions that you always use.

Different people prefer different types of workouts, so if you’re prepared with a few options you will have a better chance of success.


Refer back to their obstacles, your pillars, the solutions and the goals. 

This way the client will be reminded why they have scheduled a session with you in the first place.

Use PLR (Path of least resistance) language. 

The PLR doesn’t give clients the chance to say no or be indecisive in their answers.

For example, “Would you like to try the rower or the treadmill first?“

Instead of “Should we start on the rowing machine?”

Give the client what they want, whilst showing a bit of what they need. 

Your prospect doesn’t have to surrender all control when they train with you!

Create the sessions to work at any time of day (or night) in your gym without impedance. 

Avoid interruptions so you can give your client 100% of your attention. There’s nothing worse than Um-ing and Ah-ing while you scramble to create a workout when the gym is busy.


Make up new sessions on the spot. 

You will end up referring to notes, or changing your mind, and will appear unorganised. 

Complete assessments that aren't movement based.

The prospect is looking for a trainer, not a counsellor or physiotherapist.

Talk about you and your training. 

In this session, it’s all about them so keep the focus on everybody’s favourite subject (themselves).

Make them vomit. 

This is unprofessional and unfair - plus, would you hurry back to someone and give them money, after that kind of experience? That being said, accidents do happen, but be thorough and reasonable in your assessment of the prospect’s condition, lifestyle habits and fitness level.

Try to showcase everything at once.

This is only the beginning, so you can give your client a glimpse of what they are going to achieve without going overboard. This session is also countless opportunity for you to “talk forward” and plan out their fitness journey with you.

Take forever.

30-60 minutes should be enough for an intro session. Don’t forget, you also have to sit down and present with them afterwards!

After the WOW session

Once your session is complete, your client should be feeling positive and excited. Keep the positive language flowing and remind them of what they are about to achieve. 

Unsure as to why you’re unable to obtain leads in the first place? Give our previous article ‘How to sell as a PT’ a read.


How to Close New Clients


3 Secrets to Effective Consults