Men Need Another 4 Inches, and Women Need Another 4 Reps...

At the risk of being cancelled, I thought I’d write about the two most common mistakes I see people in the gym making. Before you report me to the Daily Mail for a new headline, “male personal trainer generalises women in gyms”, these are simply the most common things I see in the gym and on social media.

The Male Dilemma: Falling just a few inches short 

It’s a tale as old as time: men often let their egos dictate their lifting. The desire to lift heavier weights can lead to compromised form, most notably a reduced range of motion. This means losing those crucial 2 inches at the top and bottom of a lift. No matter the exercise, not maintaining tension through the full range of motion can significantly limit your gains.

Lads, it’s time to drop the weight a bit and focus on those extra inches for maximum benefits.

The Female Conundrum: Avoiding the Lifting Face

On the flip side, women often exhibit excellent form, at least trying to execute each rep with precision. However, this meticulous attention to form can sometimes lead to stopping sets too soon and not reaching the level of intensity needed to stimulate significant muscle growth or strength gains. Training close to failure is crucial for muscle adaptation and strength gains.

Ladies, don’t be afraid to scrunch up your face, swear, hell, bark if you have to, and get those last few reps in.

Getting It Right

No matter your gender, the key to success in the gym lies in executing all three elements of a good set; good technique, full range of motion, and training intensity. Here are a few tips to help you achieve this:

  1. Focus on Form First: Ensure you have solid form before increasing weight. This applies to everyone, regardless of experience level.

  2. Embrace the Full Range: Make sure you’re completing each exercise with a full range of motion whilst keeping as much tension as possible on the target muscles.

  3. Push Close to Failure: While maintaining good form, push your sets close to failure to stimulate muscle growth. For most DB and Machine exercises, you should have no more than two reps left in the tank on any sets. 

  4. Film Your Lifts: If you are unsure if you are pushing hard enough or reaching the full range of motion, filming some sets will help. 

  5. Follow a program: Once you’ve identified an exercise you are executing well, continue to increase your reps or load each week.


Men, remember that adding those extra inches in your range of motion can significantly improve your strength and muscle gain. Women, pushing a bit closer to failure can help you break through plateaus and build that dumpy and the shoulder you want. By focusing on these aspects, you’ll be well on your way to seeing the results you want in the gym.

Training with good form, through a full range of motion, and close to failure isn’t just a recommendation—it’s a requirement to maximise your returns in the gym. 

Go get after it.

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