Introducing the Growth Mindset

Being bulletproof in your training starts with being bulletproof in the way you think. 

Want better results? 

First, let’s ask: What’s going on in your head? 

Do the following thoughts come to your mind when you’re working towards your goal?

  1. “I’m just not strong.”

  2. “I’ll never be lean.”

  3. The basics won’t work for me.”

  4. “The problem is actually my diet.”

This is your mindset holding you back. It’s talking about you right now, not where you will eventually be. 

To overcome the biggest mindset setbacks, you need to:

  • Understand what the growth mindset is 

  • Identify when you slip out of the growth mindset

  • Have a strategy to return to growth mindset 

  • Be comfortable with being challenged if and when you slip out of the growth mindset

So, what is this mindset? 

The growth mindset, as put forth by Carol Dweck in her book ‘Mindset’ (Audible), is described as believing success is dependent on time and effort. This attitude tells us that skills and intelligence are not fixed and can always be improved.


Alternatively, someone with a fixed mindset believes their abilities, intelligence, and thus outcomes, are inherent by nature and unchangeable. 

Embracing a growth mindset is as important to success for any outcome in the gym, as in life. It’s important to understand however, the fixed mindset is actually much easier in the short term. 

Why we get stuck in a fixed mindset

A fixed mindset can be compared to the concept of the ego… 

Ego is described as the voice in your head you talk to. It’s the one who puts doubts and fears and worries into your conscious mind. 

Your ego says: 

  • “Don’t do that, it’s scary and you might get publicly embarrassed.” 

  • “If you try that and fail, we’ll feel really stupid.” 

  • “You have never done this before, what makes you think you can do it now?”

We’ve all had thoughts like this before, but often we keep trapt in those thoughts.

“Who said you’re willing to let go of your suffering?” - Jordan Peterson 

A great quote from Peterson’s book ‘12 Rules For Life’, helps to explain how to move beyond the fixed mindset and be willing and able to live in a growth mindset. 

If you're not getting the results you want, and you know you should track your food more closely, get your steps in, get that extra hour of sleep, etc… but you spend all day feeling anxious and doing nothing about it instead…


Your suffering, in this case, is your anxiety and lack of results. And as much as you don’t want to admit it, this form of suffering is actually more appealing to you right now than taking the actions that would relieve you from it.


Once you identify your fixed mindset, break through the ego, and let go of your hang-ups, you’ll become a productive, confident, ‘do-er’ who achieves their goals (including but definitely not limited to training).

For more listen to the following episode.


Utilising the Growth Mindset


Applying progression & regression