Instagram strategy for PTs (pt 1)

Are you making the most of Instagram to create a steady stream of clients?

As a PT, your strategy when it comes to Instagram should rely on a web of content that eventually culminates in coaching enquiries. 

You can’t expect to set up an account, upload content at random, and end up with more leads than you know what to do with. It’s all about having a method in place then tweaking it to get better results. 

This article and the ones to follow share some Instagram tips for personal trainers but first let’s look at the ideal ‘flow’ of a new lead/prospect. 

Step 1 - Your content is seen by a prospect 

Step 2 - The prospect visits your profile 

Step 3 - They decide if you are worth their time

Step 4 - If the profile is worthy, they jump on your page and start scrolling

Step 5 - The algorithm rewards this time spent, by pushing your stories to the prospect 

Step 6 - Through a stream of content, you build trust and show value in your Stories

Step 7 - You post your CTA on your Story to let the prospect know how to work with you 

Step 8 - Repeat steps 5-7 until the prospect either loses interest in your content or buys 

With Instagram, a good post is one that drives people to your profile and keeps them there. 

Your PT Instagram profile 

To get past step 2 and build your profile on Instagram, you need to have a visually appealing and up to date profile.

Here are some quick tips.

The types of posts you can share include:

  • Template quotes 

  • Swipe templates 

  • Client images 

  • Before and after pics

  • Pics of you 

  • IGTV 

  • Reels  

  • Results 

  • Education 

  • Infographics 

  • Calls to action 

What makes a good post? 

An effective post hits a pain point. It should also be aesthetically pleasing (no low quality images or videos).

To catch your audience’s eye and stand out from everybody else, your post must be original. Quote posts are great, but a generic Canva image with some words doesn't look like your own work, so avoid relying on this too heavily as a strategy for content.

Your Instagram feed will be instantly recognisable as yours, so create a consistent design flow through your work. 

When posting, remember: It’s about your clients, not you. Your content needs to inspire, educate and entertain while still connecting to the prospect’s pain points.  

How to put together a post

Follow this formula to create posts with ease:

  • Choose a pain point 

  • Chose a structure 

  • Choose a killer heading 

  • Write your post 

Pain points: you should have 100 pain points at your disposal ready to create a post from. If you don’t already… create some by thinking of the challenges your ideal clients face.  

Writing: Speak to your clients in their language. Knowing your client inside out will allow you to communicate in a way that appeals to them. For example, an older female market might get lost if you’re using a lot of abbreviations and slang.

Compare Jason's profile and Ben's profile. Jason’s posts tend to be more direct, more factual… while Ben’s are more emotive. Each is successful for the clientele they target.

Get started today

For now, prepare three posts. You can also create a schedule for yourself; For example, before/after pics on Mondays, selfies/training on Tuesdays, quotes on Wednesdays, etc. This makes it easier to plan content in advance. 

The main Instagram tip for personal trainers is to keep going. Just like with your training, you won’t see results unless you are consistent.

For more on creating valuable content, listen to episodes 138 and 139 of the STCfit Learning Podcast - out on your favourite app.


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