Applying core values

Lately, we’ve been talking about core values.

Knowing your core values is one thing, but you also need to live by them.

Applying your core values

The most successful and happiest people seem to have found a way to make every part of what they do align with their core values - inside and outside the gym.

Our Stop, Ask, How, Apply method is one of the best strategies you can implement to help your life align with your values.

There are four simple steps to run through whenever you feel there may be a conflict between your actions and your values.

  1. Stop: When you have a decision to make, big or small, get off autopilot and be conscious of your thoughts.

  2. Ask: Which decision aligns with my core values?

  3. How: Define specifically which values you are expressing with your actions and how

  4. Apply: Make an informed decision based on which option best suits your core values

Here’s how it works.

Stop, Ask, How, Apply


“I just realised I’ve opened the pantry, grabbed a packet of chips and almost sat down on the couch to eat them, without thinking.”


Your core values here include fitness, challenge, persistence and self-awareness. So you’ll catch yourself and ask:

“I realise I’m purely running on auto-pilot and out of habit. This behaviour isn’t serving one of my top values. Instead, I could portion out the chips I want to have, and ensure they fit in line with my targets. This would instead serve four of my top values.”


Define each core value (example below):

  • Fitness: “I need to ensure I’m meeting my macro targets to get the best results.”

  • Challenge: “I know this won’t always be easy. I enjoy leaning into the discomfort that challenge brings because I know it will lead to growth.”

  • Persistence: “By deciding to amend my behaviour slightly, I am showing myself how persistent that I can be in supporting my goals.”

  • Self-awareness: “By choosing conscious awareness in this situation, I am making sure that I am aware of my behaviours and empowered to live into my values instead.”


“I can see that the appropriate behaviour in this situation will be to portion out my chips, log them into my app and put the remainder in the bag back in the pantry.”

Real life

By now you will have run a microscope over your current behaviours to see where you are acting in and out of alignment. Remember: no matter how well you feel you understand your core values, they can always change, so reassess them regularly. 

To get better results and keep yourself on track between sessions, you may decide to tape up your written goals where you can see them. For example, on the fridge or the bathroom mirror. This way, you’ll have a constant reminder of the behaviours you want to lean into each day. 

You now have a tool to use when decision-making (Stop, Ask, How, Apply). Use this in the course of your fitness journey, as well as other life areas, and you will be well on your way to getting better results.

For more on mindset, listen to Ep 21 of the STCfit Podcast - out on all your favourite platforms.


Physique programming considerations, pt. 2


Discover your core values